Writing Prompts on the Purge Funny Writing Prompts

I originally was going to do a prompt for every single day of the year, but that would have been too much for me. So, I've decided that I'm going to do half of what I was originally going to do-- 185 days, a prompt for every two days. Obviously, I rounded to the nearest number to make it seem pleasing to the eyes. So, there will probably be some extra prompts towards the end of the year. On the days when I'm not writing, I will most likely be practicing on how to draw anatomy or messing around with my editing software... or you know, school... Anyways, here's the 185 prompts that I plan to do all of 2017, I mainly picked the ones that somehow inspired me... Hopefully I don't forget the idea, when it comes to write about it. In the end, my goal is to become a hell of a lot more productive.

Day 1: "They tried to summon a demon. They got you."
Day 2: "The chef who always prepares death row's last meals always asks himself if he should help any prisoner escape before injection. Today, he's found someone worthy."
Day 3: "An invincible, immortal man is sentenced to "death" for a murder he didn't commit."
Day 4: "You are the last vampire left. You've been alive since 2000 bc. Tell us your life story and why is your kind almost extinct."
Day 5: "The year is ____ and 3 children in a trench coat have taken office, but no one can tell that they are kids, hilarity ensues."
Day 6: "In a fantasy land, one demon goes to a distant guild to take a break from evil, when he meets a young and naive female adventurer on a quest to slay the Demon King. For fun, he helps and protects her on her quest, and eventually grows affection. Then they arrive at the gates of the Demon King's castle."
Day 7: "I'm sorry. I just don't understand how you managed to fuck up a five-word sentence, offend the inhabitants of three planets and start a world war at the same time."
Day 8: "A member of a rock band slept with many people, mostly female groupies, in the early days of the band. Now when he is a happily married man, a child comes forward claiming to be his. They are, but neither the rockstar or the child know who the mother is."
Day 9: "A curiosity shop opens up where you can rent superpowers, magical abilities, mystical artifacts, and mad science technology. The catch? Payments are made with abstract concepts. Life, memories, etc."
Day 10: "On your 17th birthday, instead of the usual boring presents from your parents, they say that your grandfather left you 10 million dollars and a small island on the opposite side of the world, asking you to "finish what he started."
Day 11: "Write about a unique relationship between an immortal and a time traveler."
Day 12: "You are a teenager with the ability to measure how "Dangerous" people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. A normal child would be a 1, while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7. Today, you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10."
Day 13: "A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell. Hell is terrifying, and those who see it often need counselling. But their terror pales compared to those who witness God's domain."
Day 14: "A six year old child walks up to you and tugs on your sleeve. He doesn't say anything out loud, but in your mind you hear the request as clear as day. "I am God and I need you to protect me."
Day 15: "You have a secret. You have always seen a translucent number floating above everyone's head. Most have a 0, few 1, but your girlfriend has a 37. You witness a murder on the way to propose to your girlfriend. As the assailant pulls the trigger, you watch the number above his head go from 1, to 0."
Day 16: "One day, you find a note in your breakfast; one of the guards knows you're innocent and is going to try to help you escape. You aren't innocent."
Day 17: "You are a patient in a psych ward. You decide to break out, but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago."
Day 18: "You have the ability to freeze time. When you do, everyone freezes as well. One day, you freeze time, and out the window, you see a girl moving around, astounded and confused. Then, she sees you.."
Day 19: "Death accidentally shows up a day early, apologizes and says he'll be back tomorrow. What do you do with the 24 hours you have left?"
Day 20: "As a child, you and your best friend made a pact to go on an real fantasy adventure. After growing up, starting your separate lives and families, and losing touch, one day he/she bursts into your office, throwing you a sword and insists you accompany them."
Day 21: "You die and are informed you'll restart your life exactly as it was when you turned 6. All your memories are as they were the moment you died, everything else resets. You are told you are the only one like this."
Day 22: "Instead of the oceans covering the earth, forests are in its place, making it possible to walk from continent to continent. Like oceans, it gets deeper and darker and creatures get more aggressive and rarer to see. You are tasked to document a trek through one of the oceans of your choice."
Day 23: "A girl is having her first kiss. An old man is holding his wife's hand as she passes away. A teen parent is losing their child, while a man is getting married. Four different lives, one day - make them connect."
Day 24: "The Devil promises you everything: fame, fortune, all the things a mortal will ever need for paradise on earth. But he doesn't want your soul, he just wants you to take his socially awkward daughter, Gertrude, out on a date. Make her special, y'know?"
Day 25: "Throughout a person's life, they are given a hidden guardian. A creature that watches over their lifespan. When someone is murdered, the creature haunts the killer. You have been found, murdered. And your guardian is loose."
Day 26: "You somehow end up dating death. However, you have to deal with God and The Devil being overprotective older siblings."
Day 27: "You wake up in a tub of ice with a two incisions on your back and a note that reads "Why don't you have any kidneys? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?"
Day 28: "You were murdered. But to your surprise, you're reincarnated into the body of a recently born infant. Looking around, you realize that you're at your own funeral, and your eulogy is being given by none other than your murderer."
Day 29: "After a long and bloody battle, both the hero and villain are going to die of their wounds. As the sit across from each other, leaning on rubble, the villain pulls out a flask of whiskey and has a heart felt last talk with the hero, before they die of blood loss."
Day 30: "Killing Hitler has become a sport among time travelers. Points are awarded for creativity and difficulty. You are last year's champion, how did you win?"
Day 31: "A little girl dies and is accidentally sent to Hell to where the Demons don't know what to do with her."
Day 32: "In the year 2018, a mysterious, giant tower appears in the deep jungles of Latin America. Thousands have entered it, no one has ever been seen coming out. In the year 2021, you decide to enter the tower. As the doors close behind you, a huge sign lights up "Level 1."
Day 33: "You volunteered to test the first time machine, for the test you are sent 24 hours into the future. When you emerge from the machine you discover the lab trashed and empty with "Sorry" written on the wall in blood."
Day 34: "After dying god informs you that hell is a myth, and "everyone sins, it's ok". Instead the dead are sorted into seven "houses of heaven" based on the sins they chose."
Day 35: "You're lucky that you're cute, and that I love you, or else I would have left you for dead."
Day 36: "A group of movie patrons walk out of the theater to find that the world has ended."
Day 37: "You swerve to avoid a squirrel. Unknown to you, the squirrel pledges a life debt to you. In your darkest hour, the squirrel arrives."
Day 38: "You've just sold your soul to Satan in exchange for demonic powers. However, you didn't read the fine print and it turns out you've entered into a pyramid scheme. "Satan" is actually a low-level demon and you have to recruit 200+ souls to get your powers."
Day 39: "You are a kindergarten 'assassin'. You don't kill people though. You are paid (in candy, toys, etc) to get other kids grounded."
Day 40: "Here you'll win a chance to fight freaks of nature, escape countless safety hazards, wander aimlessly for hours and die scared tired and alone"
Day 41: "When I was 16 my father pulled me out of school and shoved me in the car. His eyes didn't leave the road as he threw a gun in my lap and said, "We're going to get your mother."
Day 42: "You always had social anxiety. In order to better handle everyday conversations, you talked to your mirror to prep yourself. One day your reflection talks back."
Day 43: "You discover that Karma is a person and she is a complete bitch, however, she seems to have feelings for you."
Day 44: "You've just pulled into your driveway to see your child has accidentally summoned a demon using sidewalk chalk and toys."
Day 45: "You knew your parents would ship you off to a strange private school. What you didn't know was that it would be a school for the next generation of world-class assassins."
Day 46: "You are Lucifer's child, and don't understand why everyone hates him. One day, he is murdered before your eyes, and now, as a young child, it's time for you to take over."
Day 47: "After Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven, he decided to make his own paradise. Both compete to have the best afterlife, sadly you lived a sin-free life and got sent to Heaven. God is throwing a very boring, sin-free party. You spend your time trying to get kicked out so you can go to Hell."
Day 48: "Whatever appears on your soul mate's skin appears on yours. You communicate through writing on your wrists and fall in love. You decide to meet up at a given address. When you meet your soul mate, they are on the FBI's most wanted list…"
Day 49: "A world where your reflection does not show you, but your soul mate. You have no way of seeing who you are unless it is a picture taken of you, any reflection, in glass, water, anything, only shows the person you're destined to be with. Only until the day you meet will your reflection show yourself."
Day 50: "A little girl comes up to you in the street, timid but determined. She hands you a cardboard box and says, "Don't let anything happen to this." Then she sprints away."
Day 51: "You make a wish to meet your worst enemy face to face so you can have a real confrontation with them… and turn to see the face of your best friend."
Day 52: "You vent anonymously to someone on an online chat website, only to overhear a conversation the next day at school and discover that the person you vented to was actually your worst enemy."
Day 53: "People are born with a number on their wrist. Everyone assumes it's like a popularity score, but a single person realizes it's the number of people who will attend their funeral."
Day 54: "A young demon runs away from her home in another dimension to seek a new life. She comes across a house and in order to blend in she grabs a picture frame showing a mother and her twin daughters. The demon takes form as one of the girls not knowing one of them has recently gone missing.."
Day 55: "A "popular" girl falls in love with a "nerdy" boy, however he hates her and she spends all her time trying to impress him."
Day 56: ""Death Insurance" is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye. You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor."
Day 57: "You're underage and trying to use a fake ID to buy booze. Suddenly, someone walks into the liquor store and recognizes you…as your fake persona."
Day 58: "The next time you fall asleep you will die. You have been up for 10 hours so far trying to make everything right before it's too late."
Day 59: "Death for every individual is determined by a checklist. Once all items on said individual's checklist is fulfilled, he/she dies. An individual has found his/her checklist."
Day 60: "You find a time capsule buried underground. Before you open it, you realize the year says it is from the far future."
Day 61: "A serial killer murdered and buried you, unbeknownst to him you're immortal. You spend the rest of his life tormenting him by pretending to be a ghost."
Day 62: "Death spared your life and made you immortal. Over hundreds of years, you have become friends. He's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy. You spend centuries attempting to create world peace, stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend."
Day 63: "You wake up to an argument between two groups over who gets to kill you."
Day 64: "A misguided scientist successfully creates the Zombie Virus after growing up with everyone obsessed about zombies. Only after releasing the virus does he discover that no one actually wanted it."
Day 65: "A family has an old tradition of naming children after plants, in the hopes that they will grow up to resemble them in some way. What happens when a child is named after a beautiful, but deadly plant?"
Day 66: "A pair of very successful ghost hunters has been hired to help an elderly couple get rid of a poltergeist. The hunters slowly start to realize the ghost has a very good reason to haunt the old folks."
Day 67: "You are the first boss of a videogame who, after accidentally killing the player in their first try, decide to take it upon yourself to fulfill their quest."
Day 68: "You can change your appearance at will. You were never confident with your looks so are glad to be able to change them. Years later after getting drunk one night, you return home and go to bed. Your partner wakes up to find you as you as your original self in the bed. They don't know it's you. Your power has worn off and you have to explain everything."
Day 69: "Throwing a coin into a fountain and making a wish doesn't grant it. Taking it out of the fountain does. You are homeless and get money by taking coins out of fountains."
Day 70: "You reach the afterlife, but before you find out where you'll end up, you have to watch the entire life of someone and decide where they should go. What you don't know is all of your memories have been wiped and it's your own life you're watching."
Day 71: "It seems as though you're the last person on Earth, you can't find anyone. However you can still talk to people on your phone. To them the world is fine, but you apparently disappeared."
Day 72: "From birth, everybody has a word imprinted on their left arm. This is the last word they will ever say."
Day 73: "Two suicidal people happen to meet on the same bridge to jump. Rather than joining together, they each try to convince the other not to jump while justifying why they themselves should jump."
Day 74: "You're running a little late to work, but when you arrive someone identical to you is already sitting at your desk. He puts up his hands and says "Relax, I can explain."
Day 75: "The Grim Reaper is no longer able to claim lives directly. Instead, when your time is up a mark appears on your body and it is the duty of every other person to kill you on sight."
Day 76: "As you reach certain milestones in your life, you are allowed to get certain "upgrades" for your body. These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones."
Day 77: "A girl disguises herself as a man to enter a prestigious male-only school. So did everyone else."
Day 78: "You make a wish on a shooting star to be what your crush considers perfect. You wake up the opposite gender because it turns out your crush is gay."
Day 79: "After years of gentle persuasion your best friend since childhood finally agrees to seek professional help for serious mental problems. Much to your dismay, as she begins to improve you slowly start to realize that you are her imaginary friend."
Day 80: "You accidentally kill a reclusive millionaire and manage to cover it up so it's untraceable to you. The next day, however, it's all over the news that the millionaire you killed had left his fortune to whoever killed him. Now, you set out to find a way to prove it was you."
Day 81: "You are the hostage of a famous serial killer. The serial killer announces if you tell them a secret about yourself that is shocking enough, they'll let you live. To date, they have only freed one other person."
Day 82: "An assassin is known for never missing their target(s). But that's only because they've never been hired by anyone. Until they receive an anonymous letter to kill one of the richest and most protected tycoons in the world."
Day 83: "On your deathbed, your loved one promises to love and remember you forever. You spend years in Heaven waiting for them, but when they finally arrive, you realize they've fallen in love with someone else."
Day 84: "It's the year ____. You wake up next to your celebrity crush and they tell you you've suffered a car crash and got amnesia and can't remember the last 9 years…"
Day 85: "A nobleman finds out that the 3rd child his wife bears will be his demise. He brushes it off as nonsense, because he already has two loving children and doesn't want any more than that. What he doesn't know is that his wife is cheating on him with his friend of equal status…"
Day 86: "Everybody has the ability to bring another person back to life, at the cost of their own life. You are a suicidal celebrity who can't stay dead because of fans constantly sacrificing their lives to resurrect you."
Day 87: "You run a tattoo parlor. Every couple of weeks, the same customer comes in, always requesting the same tattoo: an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks."
Day 88: "You've always known about the small wooden chest that is passed down to each generation of your family. It was more than a simple heirloom; you were advised to never open it under any circumstances, only to protect it and keep it locked tight when it was finally passed down to you. However, a few glasses of beer later, you find yourself drunkenly turning the key into the lock."
Day 89: "The world is in shambles. Everything has gone insane. A rebel group has started, and is feared by all. Little do they know that the leader is a little girl with a potted plant as a best friend."
Day 90: "You have volunteered at an animal shelter for five years and your favorite animal who has been there since you started is dying. At your request, the shelter allows you to take them out for a fun last day."
Day 91: "It has been years since you've been afraid of monsters under the bed, pushing the childish notion from your mind as you went into puberty. As you're falling asleep, you feel a hand grab yours and a voice hisses into your ear.
"It is time to come home."
Day 92: "You shout something at the sky. To your surprise, a voice from above replies"
Day 93: "One day, you walk into a public bathroom and look in the mirror to find that your reflection isn't there. You find out that you can go through since your reflection isn't blocking the way. What do you find on the other side?"
Day 94: "You go on an extended vacation, but due to a series of miscommunication everyone thinks you died. You happen to return home just in time to attend your own funeral."
Day 95: "You're murdered by an infamous serial killer and your soul is sucked into their body, taking them over completely. Apparently, it's apart of a string of murders committed by "them" where you die, become them, then have to murder someone else for your soul to come back. In return, the murdered person's soul becomes the killer. How does this play out? And how long has this cycle been lasting for?"
Day 96: "Your first lover passed away. As time went on you accepted it and got a new lover. However you can't help but fear the way the shadows always seem to look like your first one."
Day 97: "You wake up one day and notice your eyes are a different color, you think nothing of it until you notice a week later your hair is a different color. This goes in for a time til you're a completely different person. How does it feel to literally lose yourself."
Day 98: "It's killing me that I won't get to hear your laughter anymore."
Day 99: "You live in a world where every single human being receives a magical tattoo revealing their deepest, darkest secret upon turning sixteen. There are no exceptions.
You are a single parent of twins, and on their sixteenth birthday, they both run into your room with looks of astonishment in their eyes. One twin's arm boldly displays the words "I AM NOT HUMAN". The other one's arm is blank."
Day 100: "You were having such a horrible day before you died. Everything just seemed out to get you, and near the end of the day, it did. You were hit by a car and pasted away immediately. However, right before you were hit by the car, your life flashed before your eyes. There was one day in your past that you wished you could go back to. After being it seems like forever in the dark, you wake up to that day in your past, with the memories you have still of the future. You were given a second chance."
Day 101: "You wanna buy a planet? I got garden worlds, desert worlds, ice worlds, twin stars, anything you want for the best discount this side of the universe. Every god's gotta start somewhere."
Day 102: "Mum I've got some bad news… I've accidentally taken hostages at the bank…. It's a long story… Yes I know I was only meant to make a deposit…. No I can't come home the police have surrounded the building, I've gotta go the police are sending in a negotiator I'm gonna try and fix this".
Day 103: "Every baby is taken away by the government and returned when they are ten years old. They never remember what happened in those years, but they always recognize their parents. You, however, remember everything. And those aren't your parents."
Day 104: "One day on a crowded beach you find a message in a bottle. It reads, "I'm so sorry to have done this to you." You look up and the beach is empty. You are alone."
Day 105: "Lifespan is determined by a word count. You're given millions of words, but once you run out you're dead. You are a mob hitman known as "The Interrogator, who specializes in "making people talk". You come across a mark that has one word left."
Day 106: "The notes in your middle school lunchbox are normally something along the lines of "Love you -Mom." Today you find two words scribbled in your mother's handwriting- "Help me."
Day 107: "You're in charge of assigning every child on Earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to him/her to quit. You decide to assign yourself."
Day 108: "It's the morning after the purge and your neighbor had tried to kill you the night before…"
Day 109: "Humans are born with a meter over their head displaying the amount of danger they're in for the day. Trick is, you cannot see your own, only each other's, creating a world in which broken trust can kill."
Day 110: "You've spent your whole life despising your very existence, until finally you decide to end it. You stand at the edge of a train platform and prepare to step of when and old woman pulls you back and says…"
Day 111: "In a post apocalyptic world, teachers have been forced to use teenagers old notebooks in place of textbooks."
Day 112: "You go to throw out an old homework assignment, but it refuses to fall into the trash can. A message "You cannot throw out quest items" appears."
Day 113: "Your best male friend dies and is reincarnated into your newborn daughters body with all information and memories from the past life."
Day 114: "A mysterious clickbait article link pops up on your screen. When clicked it opens up a portal which you are sucked through. What's on the other side will shock you."
Day 115: "In his will, your grandfather left many things to many of your relatives: money, jewelry, etc. To you, he left an old globe. You put it aside for years until, one day, you realize that everything that happens to the globe happens to the actual Earth."
Day 116: "You are Hell's marriage counselor. You specialize in couple's who have murdered each other and/or their child(ren). You take on the most convoluted case you've ever seen."
Day 117: "Everyone has a reaper. The further away it is, the longer you have left to live. Every day it inches a little bit closer, but it is always there. Except yours, which disappeared three weeks ago."
Day 118: "Couples receive "parent points", which they can use to purchase their children. Most parents wait for a few thousand, but you chose to buy the cheaper, 100 point child."
Day 119: "One day, you gave a homeless man a few dollars to help him out. A few years later, the same man, now a billionaire, calls you. "I owe you one." He says. "How about a drink?"
Day 120: "Your coworker is completely convinced you are a superhero. She stalks you like the worst fan girl ever. The only problem is you're not a hero - you're a villain. And she's really starting to get in the way of your work."
Day 121: "You never thought your imaginary friend was weird until you heard other kids describe theirs. None of them had a dark, dripping silhouette that lurked along the walls. Years later, all of your childhood friends have stopped having imaginary friends. Yours is still there."
Day 122: "It turns out that the happy birthday song is a necromantic ritual which siphons life from the singers and gives it to the person they're singing to. When you're young, you often have large birthday parties with lots of friends to sing to you and keep you healthy and vital. But as you get older, your circle of friends shrinks, and you slowly stop celebrating your birthday. Without the life force of others to sustain you, you slowly age and wither away."
Day 123: "You are a samurai that has dishonored his master and is committing seppuku, except you discover that you're invincible, causing an awkward scene at the ceremony."
Day 124: "Twin children of a famous telepath are separated at birth. One child was born with the ability to hear only the good thoughts of people. The other, only the bad. One day they finally meet…"
Day 125: "Somehow, someway it's been determined that everyone in the world will cease to exist in 6 months except for people you've met and interacted with. Suddenly everyone is clamoring to meet and spend time with you before the deadline."
Day 126: "One day you wake up to find you've been sucked into a television show, and the only character who believes you is your least favorite."
Day 127: "You have the ability to mentally hear the honest answer to any question just by looking at a person and thinking the question. It was all fun and games until you looked in the mirror and asked a question you shouldn't have."
Day 128: "Someone sits in the chair next to you at the start of class. Your friend walks in, and you look over apologetically. "Sorry, but can you move? I really need to talk to my friend." They nod and move away. "Thanks," you call after them. "I owe you one." A week later, the same person knocks at your door in the middle of the night, out of breath. "Remember when I moved for you last week? Yeah, I need to collect what you owe me."
Day 129: "You just died in a wacky accident on your birthday, of all days. To your surprise, Death has organized a party for you, and even gone to the trouble of getting you a gift."
Day 130: "Everything has a small arrow and the word "upgrade" over it. Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better version. You've used the ability sparingly, new phones, better cars, however today you made the ultimate mistake. You pressed the button over a person."
Day 131: "You live in a world where everyone has the way they die written on their wrist from the moment they are born. One day, your parents confess that you didn't have anything written when you were born, and they had something tattooed shortly after."
Day 132: "You are the last person to die on Earth before the secret of immortality is unlocked. Turns out, there is paradise in the afterlife. After a hundred or so years, you decide to check in on the people still on Earth.."
Day 133: "You buy a special camera at the pawn shop. Every photo you take, it shows a snapshot of 10 years ago. You take a picture of your dog and it shows him 10 years ago when he was a puppy. Everything is all fun and games, until you decide to take a picture of your bedroom one night."
Day 134: "As a person goes through his life, he is given three options at the end of each day, continue, restart day, or restart life. He has just lived through the worst day of his life."
Day 135: "You can read minds but it's too noisy in the city. You move to the mountains to learn what silence was. Then you heard something deep beneath the ground."
Day 136: "You are Placebo Man. Your superpowers are whatever the people nearby you believe you have."
Day 137: ""Push this button to transform this world into a Utopia. Warning: this will eradicate all people who "… The rest is scratched off and illegible."
Day 138: "Do the crime, do the time - but the reverse is also true, you can choose to serve jail time in advance of any crime you want to commit. After voluntarily spending 50 years in prison one individual is set to be released and the world watches in anticipation of whatever they do next."
Day 139: "As a joke God makes all the angels on the earth visible for a day, but doesn't send them the memo. He then proceeds to give his daily commands as normal; "Go forth and protect, serve, deliver miracles, bring back those whose time is up, etc… And remember, don't leave a trace!"
Day 140: "You live in a city full of people with powers (telekinesis, electrokinesis, sensors, etc) and everyone is ranked according to how powerful they but they can kill someone of higher rank and obtain their rank. You are rank #1 but no one knows what your power is."
Day 141: "You just got fired, you're pretty sure your girlfriend is cheating on you, you're 75k in student loans debt, rent was due last week, and to top it all off? You're all out of beer. Oddly enough, you just got an email titled "Would you like to change the difficulty? Current setting: Very Hard."
Day 142: "You and some friends play the "wake up, you're in a dream" prank on random stranger. They reply, "Thanks!" and disappear."
Day 143: "After death, a text window pops up: Welcome to new game+. You will begin your life anew, but retain all knowledge, skills, currency and items you choose to carry over. The Challenges and Enemies will be adapted to your level accordingly."
Day 144: "He's a shy, sweet guy looking for someone to love. She's a feisty girl who loves life and everything in it. The twist: he works at a funeral home, and although he'd like to see her more often, she's running out of family members to kill…"
Day 145: "Your seventh son is fated to murder you. You laugh until you remember you used to donate sperm."
Day 146: "It's the coldest Christmas Eve in history, and a poor family is out of coal for the furnace. The only child in the family has 24 hours to get on the naughty list."
Day 147: "You sold your soul to the Devil some years ago. Today he gives it back and says, "I need a favor."
Day 148: "When teenagers turn 17, they are sent a slip of paper with their future occupation written on it. Yours says, "Princeps de Nova Roma" or "First Citizen of New Rome."
Day 149: "Your child and you go to a toy store so he can spend his allowance, he purchases one of those cheesy 8 ball fortune teller things. Later on you jokingly ask it a personal question and it responds with something that isn't on the dice inside the 8 ball."
Day 150: "Today everyone woke up with price tags floating over their heads, indicating the value of their life. Your tag is $50Tn, the biggest by far, and you have no idea why."
Day 151: "People go missing everyday and no one notices. People come back everyday and everyone tries not to notice."
Day 152: "You just moved to a new neighborhood and you hear the music of an ice cream truck coming down the street. As you and your family walk outside you notice all your neighbors rushing inside and locking their doors and windows."
Day 153: "At 19 everyone in your society has to go into the cave of fears and defeat your worst fear. You're the first to go in and find nothing."
Day 154: "It's 2:00 A.M. Suddenly, you're woken up to see that an emergency broadcast has been aired. The message simply states "RUN."
Day 155: "I'm a supervillain and you're a hero, throughout our fights I've realized I actually love you and now I've kidnapped you because I have no idea how to flirt. Now what?"
Day 156: "Due to overpopulation, a test has been created to eliminate 90% of the world's population. You are the first to take this test."
Day 157: "Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night."
Day 158: "The only way to survive the end of the universe is to leave the universe."
Day 159: "When you were a child, you saw your parent(s) get killed by a delusional man who claimed he was a time traveler. You thought he was just crazy, but as years pass and you grow older, your best friend starts to look eerily similar to your parent(s) killer."
Day 160: "A shapeshifter befriends a lonely human multiple times throughout his or her life, but the human thinks it's a different person every time. One day the human realizes that all of his/her friends are really the same person."
Day 161: "You have a "save slot" in your life. But only one."
Day 162: "Your character uses a dark ritual to gain demonic powers. But instead they become a benevolent being of peace and love; with no memory of their past life. So what happens when they are confronted by a past they never knew about?"
Day 163: "You move into a new home that a teenager had recently died in. After you move in, you realize that the place is haunted. Since you can't see ghosts with the naked eye, you try to see it through your camera. When you finally catch sight of the ghost, they tell you respectfully they don't want to have their picture taken. The ghost is camera shy."
Day 164: "Turns out your imaginary friend from your kiddie days is actually a demon who is still following you around until you let go of your childhood."
Day 165: "You have the ability to "steal" the years off of people's lives and add them to others. What do you do when the government and a terrorist group find out at the same time about your ability?"
Day 166: "In every dream you experience you have a backpack. Anything you put in this backpack will be in your backpack when you wake up."
Day 167: "The world's luckiest girl is the next on your list as the grim reaper. You desperately try to create more and more elaborate accidents so you can cross her off your list."
Day 168: "Everyone has loot that they carry throughout their lives and drop when they die. People regularly challenge each other to fights to the death to win the best loot. You have one of the most powerful pieces of loot in the world and are desperate to keep it secret."
Day 169: "Romeo and Juliet but instead of running away together they devise a plan to kill both their families so they can't keep them apart."
Day 170: "Throughout your country anyone who is left-handed is considered cursed, and killed on the spot. You have recently been elected president and intend to publicly sign a bill removing this law, but you are also secretly left-handed."
Day 171: "You are a mind reader with a significant drawback; the clearer you read a thought, the harder it becomes to distinguish it from your own thoughts."
Day 172: "Pigs have developed the ability to fly. Due to everything that will happen "when pigs fly," the world has descended into chaos."
Day 173: "The devil mixed up your paperwork and gave you someone else's personal hell, which to you, is heaven."
Day 174: "You have the ability to see into the future, but each time you do so, you lose an important memory."
Day 175: "A person with precognitive powers travels back in time. They find much to their horror that their presence is somehow changing history for the worse, but they are only able to see the horrible future they are creating, not how they are causing it."
Day 176: "In reality, Excalibur is just an ordinary sword. The rock that Excalibur is embedded in, on the other hand, is the one of the most magical objects in existence. Excalibur is a seal put in place to keep the rock's power from leaking out."
Day 177: "In a deep depression you decide to end your life. You don't dare do it yourself so you hire an assassin to do it at random within a year. The following day you change your mind but can't get a hold of the assassin."
Day 178: "Don't Pray. Whatever the fuck you do, DO NOT PRAY. Because the ones that are listening, you do NOT want them to answer."
Day 179: "Due to an unfortunate spelling error, the devil receives a letter meant for Santa."
Day 180: "Vampires have enslaved humanity and now breed them for their blood. Each day, thousands are bled dry and killed. You awake to find your cage door has been left open."
Day 181: "The world is about to end. You kiss your crush, expose your flaws, tell your secrets, etc. But when it was supposed to, the world doesn't end. What do you do now that your life is shredded apart?"
Day 182: "It has been discovered that planets are eggs waiting to hatch. Today we watch as Mars begins to crack open and reveal the creature within."
Day 183: "It is the end of days. God and Lucifer stand before the last human being. You are the first neutral soul who is neither good or evil enough to pass into a afterlife and thus must be judged personally. Unknown to them, you are Death and have come for them instead."
Day 184: "For the last ten years, whenever you ate at a Chinese restaurant, you received the exact same fortune; a warning you have ignored until now."
Day 185: "War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven, humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both."


Source: https://www.deviantart.com/katelynsther/journal/Writing-Prompts-185-Prompts-654632786

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