I Was Rejected by My Crush Again

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Approaching someone yous have a crush on takes a lot of courage, and it can exist painful if that person rejects you. Many people consider a crush'southward rejection on par with heartbreak, every bit though the relationship were already happening.[1] What's important is how you handle that rejection, and move on from that situation. Learning how to go over a shell who has rejected you can help yous pick upward the pieces of your love life and move on to new and better situations.

  1. 1

    Resist getting aroused. It's normal to feel upset and a little heartbroken when your crush rejects you, but anger volition non aid anything. Getting angry can be especially dissentious if your crush is a close friend, equally getting mad may ruin the friendship.[2]

    • Wish your crush adept luck and try to smile. If you were/are close friends, let your beat out know you'd like to remain friends, and that you hope this won't modify things between you. It's the all-time way to save face and maintain the friendship after getting rejected.[3]
  2. 2

    Spend time with friends. [4] One of the best ways to get over heartbreak and rejection is to surround yourself with friends. Whether you go to a moving-picture show, get food, become out for a drink (if yous're quondam plenty), or only hang out at home, information technology's important to be with friends during difficult situations.[5]

    • Let your friends know yous're going through a crude patch, and ask them if they're free to spend some fourth dimension together. Some friends will make the endeavour to reach out to you, simply other friends may need to exist invited. If your friends don't immediately reach out to you lot, try approaching them and let them know that you could really use some visitor.[six]


  3. 3

    Practise things you enjoy. If you're feeling the sting of a crush's rejection, it can exist helpful to seek out activities that make y'all happy. Whether yous savour listening to music, reading a book, watching a movie, or simply going for a walk or bicycle ride, doing things yous enjoy can help you feel practiced and stay positive in spite of how y'all're feeling.[7]

  4. 4

    Start journaling. Some people may presume that journaling won't help, but studies have shown that journaling tin can assist people put their thoughts into perspective and remain positive later experiencing heartbreak. [eight]

    • Invest in a new, high-quality periodical. This will ensure that the journal volition stand up to whatever abuse from daily utilize, and will brand you more likely to desire to use your journal every day.[9]
    • Fix bated time everyday to write in your journal. Try setting a timer to force yourself to write for longer periods of time.[10]
    • Allow yourself to experiment. Your journal isn't intended to exist read by anyone else, so let yourself be open and honest. Requite yourself permission to remember things through on the page, as yous're figuring it out. In other words, it doesn't accept to be a perfectly thought-out and well-articulated document. It tin merely exist a jumble of thoughts, feelings, or observations.[11]
  5. 5

    Know when to ask for aid . [12] Peradventure you were rejected in forepart of a group of people and you lot're feeling embarrassed, or possibly you just had really high hopes that things would work out with someone. Whatever yous're going through, don't be afraid to talk virtually how you're feeling if yous're really devastated over a rejection. If you don't recall your friends or family would empathise, effort talking to a counselor or therapist.[13]

    • Many schools and universities offering gratuitous counselors, or y'all can search online to find a therapist in your surface area.


  1. 1

    Avoid fearing rejection. Information technology'southward natural to feel a piffling injure afterwards getting rejected, just information technology's important that you don't let yourself become afraid of rejection in the hereafter. That kind of fear and avoidance are part of catastrophizing, which involves assuming that one experience is part of a larger, more serious design.[fourteen]

    • Remember that even though rejection may be inconvenient and fifty-fifty painful, it is not a horrible, life-or-death state of affairs.[xv]
    • Keep in listen that rejection is never permanent. New opportunities volition ever nowadays themselves eventually.[16]
  2. 2

    Separate yourself from rejection. Many people respond to rejection by internalizing it. Information technology's easy to feel that someone'south rejection is a reflection of your own worth, but it'due south simply not truthful. You've no dubiousness had crushes on some people and not had feelings well-nigh others, and it has nothing to do with how attractive or interesting or likable that person is. Much of it boils down to compatibility. Other times, a person may but not be set up for a relationship. Whatever the reason, it does not reflect on you.[17]

    • Never let someone else's approval or rejection define your own worth. Remember that y'all are wonderful only the way you are.[18]
  3. 3

    Effort to see rejection every bit opportunity. Yeah, information technology'south unfortunate that your crush didn't feel the same way about you, and it's probably a picayune painful. However, it's simply i person, and that person wasn't right for y'all. Try to call back of rejection as an opportunity to find a better situation with someone who will feel the same style about you.[19]

    • If your beat out didn't think you'd exist compatible together, that just means that there'south someone else out there with whom you'll exist even more compatible.


  1. 1

    Learn your ideal partner preferences. If your crush rejected you, it'due south possible you were more attracted to their advent than their personality. Whatever the circumstances of your rejection were, now would be a skilful time to be honest with yourself and make up one's mind what y'all want from an platonic partner.[20]

    • Think about traits you lot would want from an ideal partner. Peradventure you desire someone who is warm and caring, or maybe trustworthiness is more important to you. Shared interests or worldview is also a common trait people seek in a partner. Whatever it is that you think y'all want from a partner, figure it out before you lot start having feelings for anyone else.[21]
  2. ii

    Recognize your emotional reactions. While platonic partner preferences shape the type of person you lot actively seek out, you also have an unspoken emotional reaction to most people you run into. Sometimes nosotros're blinded by our emotional reaction to someone because of their looks or mannerly personality, but it's important to larn to recognize the emotional reaction you feel in someone'south presence. [22]

    • Emotional reactions are typically unconscious, and yous can't change that reaction. But as y'all clarify your emotions over time (possibly through journaling), you can larn to recognize the emotional reaction that yous have to a person.[23]
  3. 3

    Evaluate crushes for realistic compatibility. Even if someone has traits that you find ideal and you have a positive emotional reaction to that person, you may simply not be a skilful match when it comes to longterm compatibility. Learning how to evaluate a crush for existent, meaningful compatibility tin be the difference betwixt frustrating relationship bug and a meaningful, fulfilling partnership.[24]

    • Recollect near the personality traits yous discover almost desirable. Do you have a "blazon"? Does that type typically work well with you? Or are you merely seeing the surface of people you have a trounce on?[25]
    • Trust your gut. If you find someone attractive just don't take much in common with them, it probably won't work out, and y'all probably already know this. Learn to trust your gut as you evaluate potential partners, as this volition help you avoid getting hurt and rejected in the future.[26]


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  • It's not the terminate of the world. Rejection never lasts forever.

  • Don't take information technology personally. Perhaps the other person wasn't ready for a relationship, or maybe you just weren't a skillful match. Whatever the reason, information technology has nothing to practise with you.

  • Remember that yous are non alone. Many people get rejected past their crush every day.

  • See rejection as an opportunity. Now you know non to waste your fourth dimension having feelings for someone who doesn't experience the same style, and you'll exist prepare when you find someone who's right for you.

  • Only the thought of you knowing that you lot were tough enough to tell your vanquish something is something to be proud of. Find someone who may have a few things in mutual with your previous vanquish, who knows maybe they like you too.

  • Never let anyone define or command your feelings, there are many fishes in the ocean. Time heals everything. Take information technology as a life lesson and experience.

  • Walk away and take the loss gracefully.

  • Rejection happens! Learn to take that and movement on until you observe someone who is right for you.


  • Don't make your beat out feel guilty. That will non modify the person's heed, and information technology will only make things more awkward or painful between the two of y'all.

  • Don't get mad at someone for the way they feel. They tin't aid that they don't take feelings for you whatsoever more than than you can help having feelings for them.

  • Talk to a therapist or counselor if you're experiencing significant hurting or grief. Permit your friends and family know how you're feeling so they can effort to exist there to comfort you.


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Article Summary X

Being rejected by your vanquish can be upsetting, but past focusing on the things you bask, spending time with friends, and paying attention to your emotions, you can handle it! When you hang out with your friends, tell them what yous're feeling so they can help distract you. If you experience pitiful or lonely when you're solitary, distract yourself with something y'all enjoy, like listening to music, reading a book, or going for a walk, which will help y'all cease thinking well-nigh your crush. Y'all can also write down what you're thinking and feeling in a periodical to help yous let your emotions out. For more tips from our co-author, including how to find someone new after being rejected by your crush, read on.

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Handle-Your-Crush-Rejecting-You

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