Where Can I Sleep in My Car in Las Vegas

Where is it safe to sleep in your car

Don't have a lot of money and can't stay at my house tonight due to some personal stuff. Looking to sleep in my car for the night, anyone know a safe spot to park and not be bothered?

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level 1

I'm originally from Texas and whenever I would make the 4 hour drive to Shreveport to gamble my brother and I would sleep in my truck in the Casino parking garage because it was roomy and free! I'm not sure exactly how that would turn out in the local casino's here but I'm curious to know from any locals that have done it! They may be safe but the downside could be that they are too bright and loud??

level 2

Been kicked out of 2 properties for sleeping in the lot. Casinos want you inside. Made it maybe an hour. New best plan; I have a truck with a roll over top on the bed. I can sleep anywhere.

P. S. I'm starting to question why I know so much about sleepingin parking lots... I pay my rent, I swears it!

level 2

Station Casinos play loud music in their lots to deter people from sleeping in their cars. Dunno about strip casinos.

level 1

Wal-mart parking lots have always worked for me. Just don't park up front, by the cart coral, or way in the back by the employees. Park in the Goldilocks zone, near a large RV if possible.

level 2

I'll second Walmart, all Walmarts are cool with you sleeping in their parking lots as they figure you will likely wander in and spend money in their store.

The roving security patrols keep the lot safe from people looking to prey on their clientele parked in the lots, its not a bad way to travel the U.S. if you're on a very limited budget.

level 2

I stayed in a walmart parking lot before but the security just kept parking behind me and making me nervous the whole night so I ended up leaving halfway through the night. Didn't want to chance that again.

level 1

Go out Durango, way South past mountains edge. The road ends there and it's dark, quiet and I don't see many people going out there for any reason.

level 2

Not a bad idea, I'm in the southwest already so that would work pretty well.

level 1

I'm actually surprised by the amount of replies with good suggestions. I didn't realize so many people have slept in their cars! :D

Being an East Coaster, maybe its a Vegas thing where the weather is always nice?

level 1

Ive seen people sleeping in cars in the parking garage at hard rock.

level 1

Seriously, I've done it before, any WalMart shopping center. They are cool with it and also have security for your behalf.

level 1

Walmart Parking lots. Residential neighborhoods and most church parking lots.

level 1

I was on the road for a couple of months and found that Walmart parking lots were always a good bet. Also, hotel parking lots work well. Just back into a parking spot in a low traffic area, put the sun screen up in your windshield, lean back and sleep. You will wake up cramped and sore, but it works.

level 1

sleeping in your car in vegas during the summer would be absolutely awful

level 1

Lot S at UNLV. It's out by the sports fields. It's the only non-permit lot, and I am not sure its patrolled all too well. Keep it in mind if you need it again. Also, all lots at UNLV are not checked for parking permits during the weekends or between 7pm and 7am.

Where Can I Sleep in My Car in Las Vegas

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/235egr/where_is_it_safe_to_sleep_in_your_car/

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